Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Individual Freedom For Everyone

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Ring of Fire: ‘RFK, Jr: How To Save American Democracy’

Source:The Ring of Fire- Robert F. Kennedy JR. talking about American democracy.

Source:FreeState MD 

“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. gives a speech to a crowd at Mass Torts Made Perfect about how to save our Democracy from Republicans, the Tea Party, and corporate raiders.” 

Robert F. Kennedy is essentially talking about the Tea Party Right in America. These so-called Conservative populists, that have a big hold on the Republican Party today and essentially labelling them for what he believes they are, which are corporatists, who believe in a corporate state in America, that would replace our liberal democracy, that’s based on individual rights, not corporate rights.

I actually agree with a lot of what Bobby Kennedy isa saying here. I’m sure there a lot of blue-collar, prop-union, voters, in the Tea Party movement. But their leaders are corporatists. You see that now in all of these Republican controlled legislatures that are now controlled by Tea Party people, like in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Republican legislatures that want to make it harder for Americans to vote, at least young Americans, who tend to vote Democratic. As well as make it harder, if not impossible, for workers to organize and bargain collectively.

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