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Source:Sony Pictures Classic- from the trailer of Inside Job. |
"From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson ("No End In Sight"), comes INSIDE JOB, the first film to expose the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, INSIDE JOB traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia. Narrated by Academy Award® winner Matt Damon, INSIDE JOB was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China."
I'm speaking of the Enron scandal of 2001-02 and the of course the Wall Street scandal of 2008 that led into the Great Recession.
Cowboy economics along with supply side (that I call borrow and spend economics) were the economic policy's of the George W. Bush Administration. That to a certain extent the Obama Administration has continued on both fronts in their first two going on three years. So there's no wonder why three years later we are still trying to recover from the Great Recession.
There's also no wonder to why we have a national debt and deficit of 14T$ and 1.8T$ respectfully. Because we haven't regulated the people with a lot of the money and the Federal Government hasn't been paying its bills going back to 2001. And as a result as a country we are paying a heavy price for it that we are still trying to as a nation, figure out how to get out of it.
Look, I'm a Liberal Democrat and I believe in American capitalism and our private enterprise system and people being able to go out and make as much money as they can earn without any limits on how much money they can make, after taxes, of course, as long as they do it as individuals. Which separates me from Socialists who believe in collectivism, that no one should have a lot more money than others. But just as long as they earn that money and that they don't screw others out of making a living and that they have unlimited, free and fair competition and that there's a referee. Meaning government to step in when others hurt people by screwing them, which is what separates me from Libertarians.
Socialists (Democratic as well as Marxist) put too much faith in government. Libertarians on the other hand put too much faith in markets and private enterprise. So what we need instead is to have private enterprise, the ability for company's and individuals to go out there and make as much money as their production will allow them to earn. To earn, not to take, earning the money you make, not screwing others out of making a living on their own. And walking away with a huge payoff for your work, big difference.
Private enterprise is the ability for individuals and business's to go out and makes as much money as they can earn. So long as they have free and fair open competition as well as anti-monopoly laws. And where government is there to not try to protect people from themselves, but to protect innocent people from the harm of others.
The problem with America is not American capitalism our private enterprise system. The problem with America is that we've gotten away from it. And moved to a system of cowboy economics and corporate socialism where we subsidize company's just for making a profit. And then bail them out when they fail. The whole notion of "Too Big To Fail" is the whole problem right there. The point being they should've never been "Too Big To Fail" in the first place.
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