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Source:Real Time With Bill Maher arguing for socialism? |
Source:FreeState MD
“In his editorial New Rule, Bill argues that socialism isn’t as scary as it sounds and calls on Democrats to ramp up their rhetoric against Trump.”
At risk of sounding serious for perhaps a minute or few paragraphs: (depending on how fast you read) if Bill Maher’s definition of Socialist, is someone who believes in any form of government whatsoever and not just communist states or social democracies, then, no. We’re not all Socialists.
If Bill Maher is right about Socialists, then even freakin (sorry, this is not HBO) Libertarians, would be Socialists. At least the 5 Libertarians left in the world who not right-wing anarchists, pretending to be Libertarians, as if Libertarian is their Halloween costume, or something.
I agree with Maher that any government social program that’s designed to benefit everyone and funded through tax dollars, is a Socialist program. But that’s not the standard for what it means to be a Socialist, or even a let’s say modern Socialist.
To put it simply: the modern Socialist (let’s call them Democratic Socialists) believe that the world is a very big and complicated place. And therefor you need a government, especially a national government big enough to make sure that no one is left behind or has to go without, in a free, capitalist society. That’s basically what the modern Socialist, or Democratic Socialist is.
Now, at risk of hopefully sounding like a comedian: (or at least political satirist) Donald Trump and his MAGA cult when it comes to Socialists and socialism, are like closeted gay lovers who don’t want to the rest of the world to know that they’re gay. Sort of like former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who would spend his days trying to out anyone that he saw as a danger to American traditionalism and even out them as gay, while spending his nights banging multiple men and perhaps trying on different dresses for his male lovers. Or whatever gay men do in their privacy of their own homes.
I say this, well, to be funny. But also because most of Donald Trump’s MAGA cult, either lives off of Unemployment Insurance, government Farm Insurance, Food Assistance, rent control, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, or a combination of all those government socialist programs.
And while MAGA is living off the backs of hard-working Americans who live and work on the West Coast, you know those Socialist communities like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, or on the East Coast like in Boston, New York, Washington, etc, they’re bashing Socialists and socialism. Donald Trump’s MAGA cult is like an Oxymoron convention. Or, the national association of political hypocrites.