Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Individual Freedom For Everyone

FSMD Current Affairs

Source:What Does Current Affairs Mean- I have the answer to that question.

"Political, social, and economic events that are happening now and are discussed in news programs and newspapers" 

From the MacMillan Dictionary 

So anyone who thinks this page is about what's called reality TV (which is just celebrity pro wrestling in actuality) or pop culture, celebrity culture, who's hot in Hollywood, the latest celebrity gossip, etc, is not just sadly mistaken, but perhaps lost their brain in a poker game or the last time that they were drunk. 

I know this might sound nasty, but current affairs, politics, and government is for serious people. Just because it's called current affairs, doesn't mean it's about the latest happenings in the world of pop culture and what's the latests trends and styles. 


Fiscal Responsibility 

War On Poverty 

Crime and Punishment 

Health Care Reform 


Role of Government 


Foreign Affairs

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