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Source:Thom Hartmann debating a caller on his talk show. |
Source:FreeState MD
“Thom Hartmann talks with a caller who wants to know the purpose of government and how big Thom thinks it should be. Thom shares what the Constitution has to say.”
From Thom Hartmann
“Thom Hartmann will be leaving The Big Picture TV show (on RT TV and Free Speech TV) at the end of September. We’ve had a great run with The Big Picture and earlier this summer we decided to discontinue that evening show so we could focus more directly on our daily 3-hour midday show, The Thom Hartmann Program.
Having complete editorial control over a TV show syndicated internationally into more than 700 million homes was a great (and rare) opportunity. We worked hard not to do “sports” or “soap opera” when covering politics, and instead focus on issues; we believe we accomplished a lot in that regard. We’re grateful to RT for the opportunity, and for fully honoring our contractual independence at all times.
You’ll still be hearing and seeing me on The Thom Hartmann Program, which is growing weekly in the noon-3 PM ET daypart."
From Thom Hartmann
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Source:Russia Today is Vladimir Putin's Russian funded news network. |
From Thom Hartmann
In this editorial, Thom Hartmann said that government should be big enough to insure that all Americans have access to quality affordable health care. And I guess that means health insurance as well and education.
Does that mean that Thom believes that the Federal Government should be running the entire healthcare and education systems in this country? I know he’s in favor of Medicare For All, which would basically make Medicare the sole provider of health insurance in this country. I disagree with him on that, but I know he’s in favor of Medicare single-payer for all. But my question would be for Thom, does that mean he’s also in favor of the U.S. Government running the entire health care system in this country, or just as it relates to health insurance?
The purpose of any government in any free society, especially a liberal democracy like America, is to protect the innocent in society from both foreign and domestic predators. And to ensure that everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, culture, is treated equally under law and that everyone has a real shot to succeed in society and make it in America.
The purpose of government in a free society, especially in a liberal democracy like America, is not to run our lives for us, or to protect the party in power from the people, or to try to guarantee total equality, so there are no rich or no poor. But to see to that as many innocent people as possible are protected from predators, that predators are justly punished for their crimes, and that everyone has a real shot in society to make it in America on their own and live in freedom.
This post was updated 11/03/2023.