Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Individual Freedom For Everyone

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Watch Mojo: Top 10 Walter Cronkite Moments: JFK, Vietnam, Watergate

Walter Cronkite was and still is the standard for broadcast news because of his knowledge of the news and what it meant, but also how he carried himself. He was always the man in charge at his CBS News desk, the man you turn to when there is some type of crisis. The man you know won't fold under pressure and always know what to do whatever the situation is. Sort of like a great general in battle or a great head coach in sports who is not replaceable and still missed today.

Bedford TV: CBS News Evening News: Iranian Hostage Crisis - December 26, 1980

Source:The New Democrat

Looks like at least from this short film that the American hostages in Iran were taken care of. That they weren't being starved, or forced to wear awful looking prison uniforms and held under brutal conditions. That they were being held like white-collar inmates would be held in America in a minimum security prison. Just based on this little film the hostages looked like they were in good shape and given the opportunity to tell their families that.