"Dr. James Fallon joins Crime Time to talk about the neuroscience that sets a psychopath's apart from other brains. He talks about the testing that is done to see the neurological patterns of serial killers, how those are distinguished from "normal" people, and what can be done with the...
The Lip TV
I would love to go in the mind of a serial murderer ( as I call them ) to see how can someone be either so sick or evil which is different that would drive them to take the lives of innocent people and in some cases enjoy murdering people. As a lay person here I would say that you would have to be a person who lacks a conscience to put it simply. Someone who simply doesn't give a damn about anyone other than perhaps them self who gets off on hurting people because they don't care and get pleasure from that. People like Ted Bundy who was a famous serial killer as well as rapist from the mid and late 1970s who enjoyed raping women to the point it was the only kind of sex that he enjoyed. And he enjoyed killing them as well.
Source: Psychodocs- Dr. James Fallon, on Crime Talk |
So, when you have someone who perhaps doesn't fit in well in mainstream society for whatever reasons, who perhaps has a temper and low tolerance for negativity and criticism and has an out of the world view of them self that they don't believe they have any flaws and there also psychopathic, someone like a Charles Manson from the late 1960s and his Manson Family cult and his young soldiers who murdered the people he wanted them to murder, you have a very dangerous person who a normal person has no business being near, because their life can be in jeopardy from this person as a result.
Source: Skalan- Dr. James Fallon, on Crime Talk |
Psychopaths and psychopathic killers, can seem normal on the outside and even have positive characteristics like intelligence, charm, physical attractiveness as well. Ted Bundy, from the 1970s was someone with all of these characteristics and they use these characteristics to bring them in so they can make their moves on theory victims and eventually murder them. Charlie Manson, who wasn't physically attractive. Very short and slightly built, but who was very smart even though he didn't have much of a formal education, but had a pretty good idea of how the real world worked and spoke to people in a way ( his followers ) that got those young people to not just follow him, but to do for him whatever he wanted. The Manson Family, could be responsible for up to a 100 murders or more in the Los Angeles area and we only know about 10-20 of them.
The serial killers ( or serial murderers, a term that I prefer ) that I mentioned are people who murdered in private life as private citizens and as horrible as a Ted Bundy, Charlie Manson, Richard Ramirez from the 1980s were, they're almost minor players compared with dictators who ran countries with their regimes around the world who've simply murdered people because they saw them as threats to their political power. People like Saddam Hussein, Joesph Stalin, Mao, and other dictators around the world. Serial murderers, aren't reserved just for people you hear about on crime reports or the local news, but for people in government who run countries and use their power to eliminate people they see as threats to their regime.