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Source:Lilli McGill- a partial quote about John F. Kennedy's liberalism. |
Since I lost my Facebook account last year and my Twitter account was at least temporarily (but probably more like indefinitely suspended back in April) I have felt the need to start this diary on my blog so I can let my followers see what I'm looking at mostly on Google and in my email now, since my two major social media accounts have been suspended. I hope this will be daily and I'll have daily notes in this, but we'll see how it goes. Hopefully it will be as often as I tweeted which was daily, but we'll see.
5/25/21 - "The past few weeks have seen the extraordinary resistance of the Palestinian people against Zionist occupation and genocide greeted by an unprecented outpuring of global solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. In addition to mass demonstrations, and rockets fired in respone to Zionist bombings in Gaza, Palestinians organized a general strike on May 18.
Thousands of miles away in Bessemer, AL, Amazon workers organizing experienced a temporary setback when a vote to unionize was defeated after Amazon employed outrageous union-busting tactics. Despite the setback, workers continue to organize in Bessemer, and the outcome of the vote is being challenged at the NLRB in response to Amazon's manipulations. Amazon workers are also organizing elsewhere across the country, including in Staten Island, NY.
What is the relationship between these developments? What do they signify for the development or global resistance of working and oppressed people against the ruling class? Join a conversation with Workers World Party 1st Secretary Larry Holmes this Thursday as we explore these questions."
I get that Socialists and Communists don't like Israelis occupying Palestine and get angry when the Israeli Military kills Arabs in Palestine or anywhere else in the Middle East. But how come they are only pissed off when it's Arabs that are killed and now Jews? Aren't Socialists supposed to be peace-loving Hippies who hate violence regardless of where it comes from and who its targeted at, or is that just another Socialist stereotype?
5/26/2021 - "Following the latest on-air blowup between Meghan McCain and Joy Behar, ABC News President Kim Godwin called a last-minute meeting with the co-hosts and producers of The View to demand an end to the personal attacks, according to TMZ.
After Monday’s broadcast that featured McCain and Behar lashing out at each other over antisemitism, ABC reportedly received a flood of calls from viewers pleading with the network to get rid of McCain. According to TMZ’s sources, Godwin said during the virtual chat that the on-air attacks had become too toxic and do not comport with the direction she wanted for the long-running talk show.
McCain apparently wasn’t thrilled with the message as she reportedly stormed out of the meeting early because she felt she was being personally “attacked.”
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Source:The Daily Beast- Meghan McCain is a commentator for The View on ABC. |
Read the rest at The Daily Beast
If you are a fan of what's called reality TV (which is just celebrity pro wrestling) which I'm not, then you want the Meghan McCain's of the world attacking the Joe Behar's of the world and vice versa. Which is what you get on ABC's The View. And also it's a good look at free speech on display everyday, again if you like what's called reality TV.
6/01/2021 - "Sex workers are constantly de-platformed by Big Tech—especially on social media—but you won’t hear the Fox News crowd coming to our defense. They only care when it affects them.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced this week that he would fine social media companies that ban political candidates. Every outlet from Fox News to MSNBC fired off missives about the bill. What got lost in the news coverage is that Silicon Valley de-platforms very few politicians, save shock-jocks like Donald Trump and Laura Loomer (if you want to call her a politician). The same cannot be said for sex workers."
As someone who is a ten-year veteran of social medial (I wish I had those years and time back) I know exactly what porn stars and the Alt-Right (not real Conservatives) are going through. Especially on Facebook, which seems to be fine with some pornography, but takes harsh stances against other pornography and doesn't seem to have any real standards (at least not public standards) to what's acceptable and too pornographic, even for Facebook.
6/02/2021 - "Dear Friend of The Nation,
Our activism in solidarity with Palestinians is working. After he vowed that the bombing would continue in full force, Israel’s far-right Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government finally agreed to a ceasefire.
But we still cannot look away or forget what just happened. Just recently, the Israeli military has sent US-made aircraft to drop US-made bombs over Gaza, massacring refugees who are stuck in the world’s largest open-air prison.
Among over 70,000 displaced Palestinians, many homeless families have sought refuge at UN-run schools. Yet the Israeli military bombed a number of such schools, along with media offices and already-overwhelmed hospitals and medical clinics, including the region’s only Covid-19 testing site—all in violation of international humanitarian law.
Meanwhile, Gazans have been running out of medical supplies, water, food, and electricity. They have nowhere to go.
Israel’s bombing of Palestinians was not self-defense; it was part of ethnic cleansing. We need more than a ceasefire. We also need an end to the occupation."
I already know why the Far-Left (in and outside of America) don't view Jews as a minority group (ethnic or otherwise) worthy of special protection from leftists and government, even though Jews are one of the smallest ethnic groups not just in America or the Middle East, but everywhere else in the world. If anything, the Far-Left views Jews as part of the racist establishment in business solely to hold down people that the Far-Left calls people of color. (Even though all people's have color)
But if leftists (Socialists and Communists) are in the business to protect at-risk minority groups from the majority and see that their rights and protections are protected, you would thinks the Jews (American and otherwise) would be one of the first groups that they would want to protect, since they were the victims of a European genocide by Germans and other ethnic groups in Europe.
6/02/2021 - "In 1993, Stephen Breyer, then the chief justice for the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, was hit by a car while riding his bike. He suffered a few broken ribs and a punctured lung. Despite the accident, Breyer left his hospital bed just a few days later and traveled to the White House to interview with President Bill Clinton about an opening on the US Supreme Court.
The interview didn’t go as Breyer might have hoped. Clinton ended up choosing Ruth Bader Ginsburg to fill the vacancy left by Byron White’s retirement. But a year later, another Supreme Court justice retired: Harry Blackmun.
Blackmun, of course, was the conservative Nixon appointee who famously became a liberal stalwart on the bench. It was Blackmun who wrote the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade, which, I’m sure, is not something Nixon had in mind when he appointed him. Blackmun’s shift to the left (or, some would say, the court’s shift to the right) was so decisive that he refused to retire during the long winter of the Reagan and George H.W. Bush presidencies. When he finally did, at age 85, Blackmun observed: “It hasn’t been much fun on most occasions, but it’s a fantastic experience,” which sounds like what a gravedigger would say on the day his pension vests."
Justice Stephen Breyer is my favorite U.S. Justice, not just right now, but going back to the Clinton Administration, because I believe he stands up for true liberal and progressive values. But he's 83 and right now we have a Democratic President and Democratic Congress. There is no better time for him to step down and be able to joy the rest of his wonderful life and go into writing full-time, as well as not being the 2nd Democratic Justice to be replaced by the next Republican President.
6/03/2021 - "This month marks the 50th anniversary of President Nixon declaring a “war on drugs” which was deliberately waged to target Asian, Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people.
Today the roots of the drug war are everywhere. Millions of people have been criminalized and punished and drug possession is the most arrested offense in the country.
Ending these arrests – by decriminalizing all drugs – is the most critical next step we can take to end the racist drug war.
Decriminalization means nobody gets arrested, goes to jail or prison, or faces criminal punishment for using or possessing a small amount of a drug for personal use.
Oregon made history when it became the first U.S. state to decriminalize all drugs. Now it’s time to do it in even more states and federally.
Sign our petition and join the fight to decriminalize drugs and dismantle the disastrous drug war."
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Source:Drug Policy Alliance- saying hell no to the failed War On Drugs. |
From the Drug Policy Alliance
In many way President Richard Nixon was a very good Progressive-Republican President in the areas of foreign policy, environmental policy, civil rights, Welfare to Work, health care reform, and trying to create a new federalism between the Feds and States, but his War On Drugs has been a complete failure and needs to be ended.
6/22/2021 - "It was the middle of Donald Trump’s presidency, and he was—yet again—mad at Saturday Night Live. And he wanted the federal government to help him settle the score.
In March 2019, the then-president of the United States had just watched an episode of the long-running, liberal-leaning NBC sketch comedy series (it wasn’t even a new episode, it was a rerun), and grew immediately incensed that the show was gently mocking him."
I would be the first person to love to say that I wish this story was from The Onion or some Far-Left, hyper-partisan publication or pac and that this story is just complete bullshit. The problem with that is that I would be lying.
We know how sensitive and immature that Donald J. Trump has always been as that he's probably the father of the woke movement and cancel culture (at least on the Far-Right) and any potential criticism or humor that anyone has the balls and character to use against him, he sees as an act of treason. Not against the United States, but the State of Donald J. Trump.
The Donald is like a 17 year old girl that finds out she's not the most popular girl in school (which is the only reason why she wasn't elected class president) and destroys the girls bathroom when he finds out that she lost. And yet he was President of the United States. Thank God for only 4 years.
8/20/2021 - This is one of the best quotes about actual #racism that you will ever see and it comes from someone who is definitely not a Conservative or a Centrist.
Fred Hampton who was a member of the Black Panthers (self-described Socialists, Communists, and Black Nationalists) knew racism when he saw it and knew the only way you beat racism, is by not being a racist yourself, but through education and fighting actual racism with intelligence.
Fred Hampton: "You don't fight racism with racism. You fight racism with unity."
8/23/2021 - In President Franklin Roosevelt's first two terms as President, today he would be described as a Center-Left Progressive Democrat. But by 1944 he was moving into the direction of Henry Wallace and other Socialist Democrats in and outside of the Democratic Party, with his Economic Bill Of Rights, but ran out of time to implement his proposals.
Syracuse Cultural Workers: "As seen in Michael Moore's 2009 film Capitalism - A Love Story. Michael found footage of FDR reading his Bill of Rights at his January 11, 1944 State of the Union address. The footage was buried someplace in South Carolina! With corporate power and government complicity running amok, the Bill of Rights is an urgent reminder of what a very popular president thought was important."
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Source:Syracuse Cultural Workers- President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat, New York) in 1944. |
From The New Democrat
8/24/2021 - Perhaps the thing that makes America not just different from Europe, but perhaps every other developed country in the world, is that we have a safety net (which was created by President #FranklinRoosevelt) for people who fall on hard times. Whereas the rest of the developed world has a welfare state that's universal and provides the economic services that most Americans are able to get from their employers.
Amazon: "When the stability of American life was threatened by the Great Depression, the decisive and visionary policy contained in FDR's New Deal offered America a way forward. In this groundbreaking work, William E. Leuchtenburg traces the evolution of what was both the most controversial and effective socioeconomic initiative ever undertaken in the United States—and explains how the social fabric of American life was forever altered. It offers illuminating lessons on the challenges of economic transformation—for our time and for all time."
8/25/2021 - Right-wingers especially, like to label President Franklin Roosevelt as a Socialist (and perhaps use other more extreme terms) but the fact is he was an anti-Communist. And for the first two terms of his presidency, was a Center-Left, New Deal Progressive. To the right of Henry Wallace and other Socialists of that era.
History: "Cabinet members watch with mixed emotions as President Franklin D. Roosevelt, wearing a black armband, signs the United States' declaration of war against Japan at 4:10 p.m. Washington time on December 8, 1941."
8/26/2021 - President Franklin Roosevelt, didn't propose health care reform at all until 1944 with his Economic Bill of Rights. But it's clearly something that he and his administration was thinking about.
JSTOR: "Whether we come to this form of insurance soon or later on, I am confident that we can devise a system which will enhance and not hinder the remarkable progress which has been made and is being made in practice of the practices of the profession of medicine and surgery in the United States."
5/01/2022 Robert Reich: "“Socialism is a scare word they've hurled at every advance the people have made. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, deposit insurance, and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for anything that helps all people.”
—Harry Truman, 1952"
Derik Schneider: "It’s not illegal to be a Socialist in America. It’s just unpopular, which is why leftists hide behind liberal and progressive. Even though a lot of what they believe is illiberal and regressive."
From Robert Reich
Derik Schneider: "I know why leftists are scared of the word socialist and socialism, because it is linked to communist and communism. But if you really believe in big government collectivism and welfare rights on the left, why hide from those labels? Just make the case for socialism."
From Derik Schneider
5/03/2022 - Robert Reich: "Democrats are not powerless here. Abolish the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Inaction is absolutely unacceptable."
Derik Schneider: "Abolish the filibuster" Robert, explain how you do that with just 47-48 votes in favor of that in the Senate."
5/04/2022 - David Pakman: "Speaking of the Supreme Court, whatever happened to that Ginny Thomas story?"
Derik Schneider: "Apparently House Democrats are considering impeaching Justice Thomas over this. Maybe that’s what sunk the story."
From David Pakman
5/07/2022 - Robert Reich: "So let me get this straight: wearing a mask to save lives during a pandemic should be a personal choice, but what a pregnant person does with their own body should be mandated by the government?"
Derik Schneider: "According to the Christian-Right."
From Robert Reich
5/08/2022 - Robert Reich: "Call me a radical Lefty, but I don’t think corporations should be jacking up prices on consumers when they are raking in record profits."
Derik Schneider: "Robert - More radical than government-run, no choice health care and health insurance, as well as price and wage controls?"
From Robert Reich
5/09/2022 - Robert Reich: "You know what’s truly radical? Denying your citizens health care and a living wage in the richest country on Earth."
Derik Schneider: "Robert - More radical than government-run, no choice health care and health insurance, as well as price and wage controls?"
From Robert Reich
5/11/2022 - Robert Reich: "Serious question: Why shouldn't abortion rights be an exception to the filibuster? Dems are fine with a filibuster exception to raise the debt ceiling. So why not to save Roe?"
Derik Schneider: "Then Robert, why shouldn't anything be an exception to abortion? Why just abortion?"
From Robert Reich
Derik Schneider: No offense to MoveOn, but they represent the wing of the Democratic Party that doesn't vote, or at least doesn't vote very often. If you want to protect Roe V. Wade and abortion rights in America, you have to get out and vote in 2022 and vote for Democrats.
MoveOn: "Dear MoveOn member,
The leaked Supreme Court majority draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade shows that right-wing Supreme Court justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas (whose wife played an active role in the January 6 insurrection), Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett misled Senators under oath in their confirmation hearings when asked whether they would overturn Roe v. Wade.1 It's horrifying.
But Derik, the Supreme Court's abortion decision isn't final. We have to protect abortion rights for all, and there's still time for us to come together and act."
5/14/2022 - Robert Reich: "If Elon Musk can afford to fork over $44 billion dollars to buy Twitter, don’t tell me we can’t make a wealth tax work."
Derik Schneider: "Robert, if deficits and debt doesn’t matter, why do you need a wealth tax?"
From Robert Reich
5/15/2022 - David Pakman: "In looking at the Buffalo terrorist's manifesto, it doesn't seem like primary "mental illness," but straight up right wing extremism that was weaponized (I deleted the tweet with a typo, sorry)"
Derik Schneider: "Well, David, couldn't his lawyers argue that his "straight up right right wing extremism that was weaponized" is his mental illness? Mentally healthy people don't commit violent acts like this that murders innocent people."
From David Pakman
David Pakman: "Why aren't the people who claim Trump is still secretly President blaming HIM for gas prices and inflation, if he's the President, after all?"
Derik Schneider: "Maybe President Trump's actual country that he was President of, is just some remote cave in West Virginia (or some place) and other people were running America instead."
From David Pakman
5/16/2022 - Derik Schneider: I can't say this enough: All of these rallies for abortion rights in America, means diddly squat, if these folks don't bother not just to vote in 2022, but to vote Democratic and to keep the Democratic Congress.
MoveOn: "More than a million protesters hit the streets on May 14 in a historic day of action to support abortion rights.
Coast to coast we declared: #BansOffOurBodies"
5/26/2022 - Derik Schneider: I have some advice for MoveOn: Instead of spending so much time and other people's money on petition drives and trying to get money from other people, why don't you register new voters and encourage as many people as possible to vote in 2022 and vote for people who'll give us the commonsense gun reform laws that we need in Congress. Otherwise all these petition drives means nothing.
MoveOn: "The National Rifle Association (NRA) is planning a massive convention in Texas just days after the horrifying elementary school shooting which left at least 19 children and 2 adults dead in Uvalde, Texas. It’s beyond inappropriate for the NRA to be hosting former President Trump and other politicians to celebrate and organize a further erosion of public safety while families are still mourning the loss of their loved ones.
Tell the NRA and venue Houston First Corporation to cancel the upcoming Texas convention out of respect for the families lost to gun violence."
5/31/2022 - Derik Schneider: I'm obviously not a Communist (my JFK profile pic is a pretty good clue there) but I love it when radicals (left and right) are able to not just admit who they are, but are proud of it, like Communist Party USA.
Communist Party USA: "Dear Derik,
Horrific physical and psychological violence is being unleashed against our working class. An unrestrained pandemic has been partially eclipsed by war in Ukraine. Then there’s the white supremacist terror in Buffalo, and the mass murder of children in Texas. The extreme right responded to the Texas massacre with unfounded claims that the shooter was an undocumented immigrant or transgender, scapegoating these communities with cheap conspiracies to protect the profits of the weapons manufacturers. Earlier this month, the war on women reached a new level.
Our response remains constant. We will fight for unity, from the streets to the ballot box and back again. This June 18th we need your presence at the Poor People’s March in DC.
What’s holding you back? If you cannot join us in DC for the Poor People’s March and Low Wage Workers’ Assembly, please donate $50 to help us fund a comrade’s journey or their overnight stay.
This Juneteenth weekend, we are helping to build a national force against the violence of racism, sexism, homophobia, poverty, war, and ecological devastation."
8/15/2022 - Derik Schneider: Robert Reich: "Socialism is a scare word they've hurled at every advance the people have made. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, deposit insurance, and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for anything that helps all people.
--Harry Truman, 1952"
Derik Schneider: "If socialism is so great, then we wouldn't have closeted Socialists, because every leftist would be proud of their socialist tendencies."
8/16/2022 - Derik Schneider: Sounds like Lyndon Johnson is blaming the left-wing (or far-left) of the Democratic Party, for Hubert Humphrey, losing to Richard Nixon in 1968. But President Johnson's mishandling of the Vietnam War, was also a major factor in Humphrey's loss.
James Miller Center: "The results of the 1968 presidential election didn't become clear until the morning after the votes were cast. After the Democratic nominee, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, conceded defeat to Republican Richard M. Nixon, Humphrey called President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was then at his Texas ranch. The recording begins with the conversation already underway."
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Source:YouTube- James Miller Center. President Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat, Texas) and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey (Democrat, Minnesota) |
From the James Miller Center
8/23/2022 - CarolAnn Bailey Lloyd: "The former twice impeached loser needs a gag order."
Derik Schneider: "Also in the news: California needs less fire and more water."
8/27/2022 - Robert Reich: "Call me a radical lefty, but in addition to cancelling student debt we should make public higher education free."
Derik Schneider: "Robert, you are definitely a radical lefty. But explain as an economist, how do you make higher education free."
Richard F. Schatten: "#TraitorTrump Violated 18 US Code Chapter 37 in the Espionage Act. Specifically, Section 793.
Too much to tweet ..but, we can say; he's in seriously deep shit ..& no way out!
And Ethel Rosenberg was electrocuted just for "conspiracy" to commit espionage!
Derik Schneider: "You are not being slick, Dick. You are telling the damn truth."
CarolAnn Bailey Lloyd: "Hey @LindseyGrahamSC YOU are inciting violence. Just how much of you is owned by the former loser?"
@joew0479: "A message for
@LindseyGrahamSC: Yes, if Trump is indicted, there will be violence. I see & hear those threats all the time. But threats of violence should NEVER stop the pursuit of justice. NEVER. And you KNOW that Lindsey. But you’re too much of a coward to say that. Shameful."
Derik Schneider: "I'm sure Senator Graham will be happy to talk about this when he's forced to testify under oath next month."
9/22/2022 - Robert Reich: "Quick recap: Billionaires are not “self-made.” They’re made via a combination of inherited wealth, government subsidies, tax loopholes, labor exploitation, and policy failures.
Can we stop perpetuating a myth that blames the wealth gap on the choices of everyday Americans?"
Derik Schneider: "What? Seriously, Robert? There's no such thing as human talent and people being very successful financially, simply by being very good and successful at what they do?"
9/26/2022 - Robert Reich: "What Sinema is really saying: "I like having the power to coral corporate donors. I won’t reform the filibuster even though it will protect democracy because doing so would deprive me of power."
Derik Schneider: "Apparently Robert Reich is also a mindreader. How impressive."
11/06/2022 - Derik Schneider: President Vladimir Putin represents what can happen, when you send one country, even as huge as the Russian Federation, but with a 2nd world military, into illegally invade a country that's backed by a superpower and superpower alliance.
The Daily Beast: "Well, that was quick.
It only took a few hours after Vladimir Putin hailed his mobilization as a sparkling success Friday for a torrent of humiliating reports to emerge that suggest the war effort has been more successful in turning the country against him than defeating mythical Nazis in Ukraine.
The most staggering contradiction to Putin’s boastful claims came perhaps in Kazan, where dozens of drafted troops were captured on video late Friday berating military leadership outside a collection point for the newly mobilized."
11/12/2022 - Derik Schneider: Yeah, running for POTUS again, won't save Real Donald Trump's legal ass. But cooperating with prosecutors and investigators, might.
The Daily Beast: "The former president's bizarre and insanely early rollout of his 2024 presidential campaign has former prosecutors accusing him of simply seeking cover from a potential federal criminal indictment.
But those same legal experts say Trump announcing his candidacy would at best only delay a prosecution—and at worst cause a MAGA insurrection.
While another violent insurrection would be a worst-case scenario, Trump announcing for president will make the Justice Department more skittish about indicting him—but only because the Department of Justice is so concerned about appearances.
The DOJ’s internal guidelines frown upon prosecutions that affect campaigns within 60 days of Election Day. There isn’t a formal rule, however.
Regardless of Trump’s candidacy, former federal prosecutors told The Daily Beast they’re confident the former president will be indicted.
“He thinks that if he is running for president this will cause prosecutors to drop their cases or think twice because it could be interpreted as political, a reaction to his running. The answer is: No, they will not hold back,” said Thomas Baer, a retired federal prosecutor in New York City.
Read the full story with the link in bio."
12/25/2022 - Derik Schneider: Damn! I agree with Alexandria O. Cortez on something. I must need a head examination.
Move On: Be mindful of elected officials claiming to be "pro-life."
“Just to be clear: there is nothing ‘pro-life’ about denying people comprehensive sexual education, making birth harder to access, forcing others to give birth against their will, and stripping them of healthcare and food assistance afterwards.”]
1/02/2023 - Derik Schneider: So when Donald Trump calls himself The Donald now, I wonder what he means by that. Any non-celebrity with means, can put together a party of a 100 people or so.
The Daily Beast: Gone are the days of high-profile celebrities attending Donald Trump’s annual New Year’s Eve bash at Mar-a-Lago.
Despite being surrounded by hundreds of guests, the only people of relative note at the annual gala were Trump’s legal advisor Rudy Giuliani, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, and Trump’s second-oldest son, Eric.
Two of Trump's other children, Ivanka and Donald Jr.—once staples of his circle—were nowhere to be seen.
Read more at the link in bio.
1/03/2023 - @talkingpointsmemo: Dem Votes Won’t Save McCarthy or Any Other GOP Speaker
Derik Schneider: Damn straight! This is MAGA Republican chaos. Democrats should stay out.
1/04/2023 - This is only the 1st week of 2023 and yet it's already one of the most memorable and chaotic weeks ever, because of the MAGA House.
The Daily Beast: 2023 will only bring more insane antics from the chamber’s more controversial corners according to Fever Dreams podcast hosts Will Sommer and Kelly Weill.
In the latest episode, they discuss some of the ideas that Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene are already floating with their newfound majority power.
The most interesting concession Kevin McCarthy may be forced to make is the establishment of a “new Church Committee.”
“I think the Republican takeover of the House is going to have so many bizarre pet projects that the average person just has no idea what they’re about,” says Sommer.
Plus! The hosts explore the deep, dark world of right-wing COVID misinformation peddlers—who are still railing against vaccines and pitching bunk cures.
Link in bio to hear the whole Fever Dreams episode with all of these GOP “plans.”
1/06/2023 - Derik Schneider: The Daily Beast kicking Kevin McCarthy in the balls. Not that he doesn't deserve it.
The Daily Beast: The MAGA Republicans holding Kevin McCarthy’s bid for speaker of the House hostage are embarrassing both themselves and Kevin McCarthy—and bad, says Los Angeles Times columnist Kurt Bardella on the latest episode of The New Abnormal podcast.
Bardella knows a thing or two about Republican antics having served as a House Oversight Committee staffer on the Republican side.
“How did the party get this way? How did Trump hijack them? The answer is very simple,” he says.
“This is a Republican vs. Republican situation and they look like a bunch of ass-clowns,” adds Bardella, who also paints a grim picture if McCarthy loses the speaker bid—and an even grimmer picture if he wins it.
“Every single time there was a confrontation, a conflict, the Republican establishment just rolled over. They just literally said, ‘Yes, sir, may I have some more?’” he tells TNA co-host @deetwocents.
Either way, he doesn’t think it’s going to end well.
1/19/2023 - Krewsadist Viewing: There is no such thing as a left wing libertarian. Economic freedom is inherent in libertarianism and there is no such desire on the left. The left can't be separated from their desire to redistribute and prevent personal wealth and as such on economics alone is not libertarian.
Derik Schneider: Just so you know: Libertarians like Sheldon Richman and Gary Johnson disagree with you. There is a school of thought that says you can believe in personal freedom. but that government can be used to help people who are down get on their feet. Not all Socialists are Communists and not all Libertarians are antigovernment-voluntarists.
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Source:YouTube- Moog Rogue. Conservative columnist George Will talking about Barry Goldwater. |
From Moog Rogue
@jeremycorbyn : It was a pleasure to catch up with @berniesanders and @rashidatlaib today.
Thank you for building a multi-racial working-class movement that has inspired so many people to fight for each other.
Our struggle for a more equal, sustainable and peaceful world goes on.
Derik Schneider: If you think Bernie Sanders is a Socialist, (which I do) then meet Jeremy Corbyn, because he could make Bernie look like a moderate.
1/22/2023 - @cbsnews : On Jan. 22, 1973, Walter Cronkite reported on the Supreme Court abortion decision that would shape American lives and political debate for the next 50 years.
Derik Schneider: Roe V. Wade gave American women the right to choose their own health care and make their own health care decisions. I support that, just as long as taxpayers aren't forced to pay for others decisions.
2/02/2023 - @cbsnews: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez condemned the removal of Rep. Ilhan Omar from Congress’s Foreign Affairs Committee: “There is nothing consistent with the Republican party’s continued attack except for the racism and incitement of violence against women of color in this body.”
Derik Schneider: If Alexandria O. Cortez is not careful, she'll be the next far-leftist to lose her committee assignments. It's one thing to play to left-wing media, but to do it on the floor of the House of Representatives and accuse Republicans of racism, with nothing to back it up, can bring consequences.
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Source:Twitter- CBS News. U.S. Representative Alexandria O. Cortez (Democratic Socialist, Bronx, New York) |
From CBS News
Bonnie Tyler: There’s plenty to back it up what are you talking about. This is being solely done because she’s a black Muslim.
The only reason you would support this is because you think war criminals like Eliot Abrams are good and should never be questioned for their horrendous acts.
Derik Schneider: "There’s plenty to back it up what are you talking about. This is being solely done because she’s a black Muslim." According to you. Where's ACA's or your evidence?
2/03/2023 - Your periodic reminder: Labeling something socialist is nothing more than a scare tactic.
Derik Schneider: If American leftists like Robert Reich and many others think there's nothing wrong with socialism, why do they keep running away from it, like a mouse being chased by a kitty?
2/04/2023 - @thedailybeast: Stop whining, Marjorie.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lamented this week about how little she was getting paid as a member of Congress, claiming that her low Congressional salary had made her “life miserable” as she “made a lot more money” before stepping into public service.
The MAGA firebrand, who fashions herself as a populist concerned about the plight of everyday Americans, recently appeared on investigative journalist turned professional troll Glenn Greenwald’s podcast.
Derik Schneider: Well, Representative Greene is more than welcome to resign from the House and go back home to get the help that she needs. I for one would be honored to help her pack up and leave.
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Source:Instagram- The Daily Beast. U.S. Representative Marjorie T. Greene (Christian Nationalist, Georgia) |
From The Daily Beast
2/15/2023 - Thom Hartmann: They call themselves culture warriors. In Reality they’re fascists. Both the world and our American political system are rapidly dividing along two simple political lines: Democracy or Fascism. And the weapon fascists are using to rise to power is culture war.
Derik Schneider: Damn! This is the first time that I've agreed with Thom Hartmann, on anything, in a while. Christian-Nationalists, I'm not sure are even Christians anymore, but cultural fascists instead.
2/16/2023 - Derik Schneider: Don't you love leftists who are out of the political closet and proud to be Socialists? It's so refreshing and I wish more leftist Democrats were the same way.
@The Nation: Any Bernie fans here? Out today, we have a special preview of “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism,” a new book by Senator Bernie Sanders and Nation correspondent John Nichols. Read the full excerpt at the link in our bio.
(Photo by Steve Liss/Getty Images)
2/24/2023 - Derik Schneider: If you want to know why a lot of (if not most) leftists get stereotyped as Socialists and Communists, this is why. Because instead of using their free speech rights to compete with their opposition, they want to use government to shut down their opposition.
Move On: Dear MoveOn member,
Huge news! We just finished producing our hard-hitting ad that exposes that, while Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News hosts knew the Big Lie was a total sham, they kept lying on air to their viewers because conspiracy theories about the 2020 election kept Fox News ratings high.
We plan to air our ad right in the belly of the beast—on Fox News itself—to expose these fraudsters to their own viewers. Already, MoveOn members like you have donated tens of thousands of dollars to power the effort.
But we need to raise more by tonight—and we need your help. Will you chip in $3 today to help get our ad on the air?
Last week, after records in a federal lawsuit against Fox News became public, we learned that Fox News hosts and executives have long agreed that the Big Lie was bogus.1
Tucker said Trump's lawyer Sidney Powell "is lying by the way. I caught her. It's insane."2 Yet Carlson still had Powell on his show.
Laura Ingraham, who also had Sidney Powell on her show multiple times and went so far as to call on the U.S. attorney general to take action to overturn the election, responded to Carlson: "Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy."3
This provides us the perfect opportunity to expose Tucker, Laura, and all of Fox News as frauds.
Their viewers deserve to know that their favorite Fox News celebrities lied right to their face. And this ad does exactly that.
MoveOn supports advertiser boycotts of Fox—indeed, we have a longstanding policy against placing any ads with them ourselves. But we're making an exception because this is an exceptional moment for accountability—placing an ad on Fox is the best way we can expose their lies to their own viewers and make an outsize impact on their overall business.
Chip in $3 today to help put our ad on the air and fuel our campaign to expose Fox's corrosive lies. This is the best chance we have had in years to effectively take down Fox News.
Beyond getting the truth out and letting millions of Fox News viewers know that they can never again trust Fox News, our ad is important for another reason.
Huge public backlash, from advocates like you and Fox News viewers alike, will increase the pressure on advertisers to cut ties with Fox News, depriving them of a critical source of income.
Fox News has been allowed to hold on to their power for far too long. And they have abused that power to spread lies, hate, racism, and homophobia. It's time Fox News is held to account.
Help us kick-start that process by getting our ad on Fox News's own air. Chip in $3 now.
Thanks for all you do.
–David, Chloe, Jennifer, Mona, and the rest of the team
3/07/2023 - Derik Schneider: Ukraine is simply fighting to preserve their own territory and people. Europe and America should do whatever they can to support Ukraine and get Russia the hell out of the country.
CBS News: "Ukrainian forces are not giving up as Russian soldiers surround the city of Bakhmut. The front lines are being described as "hell on earth." CBS News foreign correspondent Imtiaz Tyab spoke with people in the region."
9/16/2023 - @Derik Schneider: I'm thinking that Jenna Ellis believes that Donald Trump is not worth prison time for herself.
@The Daily Beast: Jenna Ellis has made a dramatic break from Donald Trump.
Donald Trump’s former senior legal adviser and current co-defendant in Georgia says she will not support his third bid for the White House based on his inability to ever admit to wrongdoing.
“I simply can’t support him for elected office again,” Ellis said during an episode of her show American Family Radio.
10/03/2023 - @Derik Schneider: Gag orders mean nothing if they're not enforced. And I'm thinking Donald Trump not only knows that, but will test it.
@Newsweek: Donald Trump was hit with his first gag order on Tuesday, after a personal attack against a court clerk was a step too far for Judge Arthur Engoron.
"Personal attacks on members of my court staff are unacceptable and inappropriate, and I won't tolerate it," Engoron said. "Consider this statement a gag order forbidding all parties from posting emailing or speaking publicly about any of my staff."
10/18/2023 - @Derik Schneider: Who knows more about incompetence than Donald Trump? The same people he hired to be his own military generals, are people he calls incompetent.
@Newsweek: "Under a Trump administration, Iran will once again be weak, Israel will once again be safe, and the United States of America will be stronger and more powerful than ever before."
11/24/2023- @Robert Reich: Conservatives yell “socialism” at every initiative designed to help people.
Maybe you've heard the word a few times already today.
But this is nothing more than an old scare tactic.
A functioning government requires pooling resources for the common good. Let me explain.
@Derik Schneider: Robert, why don't you just come out of the political closet already and admit that you believe that there's nothing that big government can't do for people? It's not illegal to be a Socialist, even in America. If Bernie Sanders and many others can admit that, how come you can't?
From Robert Reich
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