"Aerosmith - love me two times (unplugged)"
Michael Jenson
Just another example of why Aerosmith, is the best classic rock band ever, if not rock & roll band ( including The Doors ) with their cover for Love Me Two Times. Jim Morrison and The Doors, were a blues rock band, similar to Eric Clapton today, Dave Matthews, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Presley from back in the day. Aerosmith is almost purely a classic rock band. Not a punk band, sure as hell not a metal band, but a pure rock & roll band the way the music is played in it's classic form. And yet they're playing Love Me Two Times here from The Doors, which is a great blues rock song. Along with Roadhouse Blues, perhaps the best Doors song.
But all great rock bands not only have their own sound down, but they can improvise and be really creative and play other people's songs as well. You see singers performing other artists music all the time and even showing up at other artists concerts and they'll play the music together. Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi, have played Bon Jovi's It's My Life together live and in concert. Something you should check out on YouTube if you're a fan, with Bruce both on guitar and singing along with Jon, Bon Jovi's It's My Life. One of the reasons why Aerosmith is the best classic rock band, ever is because they got their sound down and can play other's people's music as well very well.
If you listen to this performance from Aerosmith, I believe the drummer especially has sound of Love Me Two Times down. It sounds just like John Densmore's ( from The Doors ) version of Love Me Two Times. Not to take anything away from Jo Perry ( my personal favorite guitarist ) who does a great job here as well. Steven Tyler, is Steven Tyler and would never get mistaken for Jim Morrison and sings Love Me Two Times the way Tyler sings anything where he's almost yelling, but doesn't go quite that far. What really impresses me most about this performance is the music, not so much the vocals where they sound just like The Doors here and do a great job.
As great as covers can be, they generally don't beat the original if the original is great. Jim Morrison and The Doors, own this song and video. Where a lot it was shot in 1968 when I believe they were performing at The Roadhouse in London. It's a great video where you have The Lizard King ( Jim Morrison, who else ) on a stool the entire video at least the footage from London and yet he seems to be struggling to sit still and is moving around the whole time and practically dancing while he's on his stool and he's completely leathered up in his full skin-tight black leather suit and concho belt. He was a true performer was born to always be entertaining.
Source: The Doors- Jim Morrison & John Densmore |
Aerosmith is still a great classic rock band and if they're not the best rock & roll band ever, they're certainly the best blues rock band who has ever played. But The Doors were a great blues rock band even though they're were only together with Morrison at least for about four years. And they still own this song and are the best at playing it. Jim Morrison is still the best at delivering the song. Aerosmith does a great job here, but there is only one band called The Doors and they'll always own Love Me Two Times.