Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Individual Freedom For Everyone

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Real News: Paul Jay- Interviewing Professor Michael Hudson- 'Occupy Wall Street to a Bank in The Public Interest'

Source:The Real News- OWS taking on American banks
"Michael Hudson: A public option in banking will be a structural answer to the power of finance."

All of these protests on Wall Street that are going on around the country, could be positive for the country. If it leads to real reforms in our economy, that reforms our banking system in a way that we stop bailing out banks and other company's, regulate their bad behavior. And lets them keep a lot of their profits instead of subsidizing them when they are successful. And thats not what we have right now. We have so many tax loopholes, that a lot of our business's end not paying much if anything in taxes like General Electric. But tax them at a rate that allows them to be profitable and encourages them to be profitable.

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Derik Schneider said...

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